
My employment with Shenandoah Telecommunications Company (Shentel) began with a ground-up redesign to unite their four legacy web properties into one unified website. Goals for launch included implementing the Sitecore CMS, launching an online ordering system, and integrating support chat. My work ranged from initial content strategies to coordinating with external vendors and internal departments to make sure the right content was migrated and vendor deliverables passed muster.

Quick Facts

B2C and B2B
Web Content Specialist, Information Architect, Digital Designer, Front End Web Developer
Adobe Creative Cloud, Eloqua, Sitecore
900+ web orders within the first months of launch
Sample screenshots

Initial Launch.
From a brochure website to a sales tool.

In addition to shepherding the data migration, I developed all banner imagery and adapted print materials for use on the web. A year after launch, the company underwent an extensive rebranding. It fell on me to update the website theming and develop new graphics to emphasize the company’s goal of being a trusted and valued partner in the communities they served.

Interactive Tools.
Demystifying the buying process.

As one of the first post-launch feature enhancements of the website, I designed and coded an interactive tool that allows users to quickly see their options by selecting services or sorting by monthly cost. Users could customize their options by adding or removing services before committing to the checkout process.

Pick your bundle screenshot

Ongoing Web Strategy.
Expansions, maintenance, and reporting.

After launching the website, I handled daily maintenance and analytics reporting. Additionally, I shepherded all digital marketing campaigns including email and digital advertising. Special projects included building a subsection with a video player, FAQs, and other product-specific resources for Shentel's new whole-home cable device.

Landing page